Top 50 IDNs

I recently came across a great list of the Top 50 IDNs by Net Patient Revenue. If you’d like a copy of the report, you can request it here.

Not surprisingly, HCA Healthcare topped the list with $35 billion in revenue from its 205 hospitals and corresponding facilities. Following that, however, there were many surprises.Top 50 IDNs by the numbers:

  • HCA has twice the revenue of the second-place IDN, and more than 25 percent more hospitals
  • The average Net Patient Revenue of the Top 50 IDNs is $7.2 billion (Total Revenue is $7.7 billion)
  • Top 50 IDNs average 40 hospitals
  • Half of the Top 10 are faith-based organizations
  • Stanford Health has the fewest hospitals in the Top 50 with only four

These types of lists give some context to what our nation’s IDNs are all about. When you add in the attributes of these IDNs, you can start to get a clearer picture as to what truly drives them. Attributes that can add great depth to these figures include:

  • Average population of their service areas
  • Market share by service area
  • Profit status (investor-owned or tax-exempt)
  • Do they own a health plan?

We know there is a huge land grab happening across the industry, with IDNs chasing scale, so we can only expect these numbers to get bigger. I am always curious – how big is big enough? When I ask Supply Chain Leaders, I usually hear two levels: $10 billion and $5 billion in revenue. Within the list of Top 50 IDNs there are;

  • 28 IDNs with over $5 billion in revenue
  • 10 IDNs with over $10 billion in revenue

This will be an interesting watermark to track. I wonder how many IDNs will be in each category this time next year?

To download the list of the Top 50 IDNs, fill out the form below:

*Special thanks to Definitive Healthcare for assembling the Top 50 IDN

10 Comments on "Top 50 IDNs"

  1. Thank you for putting this list together and agree that this appears to be an IDN report based on revenue. The first sentence in the definition is incorrect about the IDNs also having “care providers and facilities that offer both healthcare services and health insurance coverage to patients within a geographic area”. There are a number of IDNs in the list, who I am certain, do not have health insurance coverage (their own marketed health plans). It would be great at some point to identify level of integration, because that also varies, with in the IDNs. Many CEOs have been trying to move to “Systemness” within their IDN. I am happy to help with some questions because I network with most of these IDNs and others. Thanks

  2. looking forward to reading report

  3. Thank you. I look forward to seeing the information you have built. I work across many IDN systems and the main thing they all have in common is wanting to get larger.
    Coordination of new hospitals and associated providers is the area I see the least successful results, with everyone believing the way they operate today is better than the “Mother Ship”. Compliant Cats?
    I think it will be interesting to see what has happened to your list from the time you completed it till now. Don’t have to wait a whole year.

  4. Thanks!

  5. Great information..

  6. Thanks for the report

  7. Martha Pickens | January 17, 2019 at 3:29 pm | Reply

    Looking forward to receiving the report

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