Women in Pharmacy Day 2023: Empowering women pharmacists

October 12, 2023- The pharmacy profession has become increasingly dominated by women over the past decade. Since 2012, women have accounted for more than half of the U.S. pharmacy workforce, according to Zippia, an online recruitment services company. Women pharmacists occupy nearly 60% of management positions, according to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). Data from AACP also shows that this trend is expected to continue – women represented two-thirds of all students enrolling in pharmacy school in the fall of 2022.

Yet, despite the ground women have gained in the pharmacy field, they are still underrepresented in pharmacy ownership. Women own only 25% of independent pharmacies, according to the AACP’s National Pharmacy Workforce Study. As the role of the pharmacist continues to expand and patient demand for clinical services increases, Cardinal Health is working to empower the next generation of women pharmacy owners.

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