Vizient submits comments to CMS on the FY 2022 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) proposed rule

June 29, 2021 – Vizient, Inc. (Irving, TX) submitted its comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the FY 2022 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) proposed rule.

Vizient’s comments include feedback to CMS regarding future health equity policies, concerns with CMS’s proposed changes to organ-acquisition payment policies, and recommendations on various topics, including the distribution of new Graduate Medical Education (GME) positions.

In its comments on health equity measures, while Vizient supported CMS in exploring ways to report outcomes, Vizient encouraged the agency to prioritize efforts to improve data collection and accuracy.

Vizient also offered various recommendations to the agency regarding how best to analyze and interpret data related to health equity.

Vizient encouraged CMS to consider withdrawing the proposed organ-acquisition payment policy, given the short implementation period and potential harm to patients.

The company also offered recommendations regarding the proposed COVID-19 related modifications for hospital quality programs and suggested improvements to agency’s proposed distribution plans for 1,000 new Medicare-supported GME positions.

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