Tuttnauer (Hauppauge, NY) has launched new products to provide a one-stop solution for infection control needs. They include:
- T-Edge Autoclave: The only autoclave upgradable ready from a Class S (gravity) system to Class B (pre/post vacuum) by software only
- TIVA 2 Washers: Thermal High Disinfector washer line, will be available in undercounter or countertop configurations
- T-Quick Autoclave: The only manual autoclave, featuring fast cycles, closed door drying and step by step status monitoring
- T-Clean Line:
- Prep Foam: Multi-Tiered Enzymatic Foam Spray prevents adhesion
- TIVA Detergent: Detergent for TIVA2 Thermal High Disinfector
- TIVA Neutralizer: Acidic Neutralizer agent for TIVA2 Thermal High Disinfector
- Chamber Shine: Foaming autoclave cleaning treatment