Storytelling and Branding: A Look at the StoryBrand Process

October 10, 2023- If you’ve seen or heard an advertisement that stood out, elicited strong emotion, and resonated with you, it is likely that the brand that created the ad was using the storytelling framework.

There is a proven framework to use when creating marketing content that tells a story. According to a Business to Business (B2B) video on “Building a StoryBrand,” by Donald Miller, storytelling allows advertisers to cut through the noise, get customers’ attention, and grow a business. The framework to follow when using the storytelling method includes creating a marketing campaign where a character has a problem, they meet a guide, the guide gives the character a plan, and then the guide calls them to action, the plan helps them avoid failure, and the story ends in success.

Psychologically, humans share a need for survival, safety, relationships, and self-actualization, and the storytelling method closely follows those themes. StoryBrand breaks down how to properly execute each aspect of brand storytelling.

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