February 12, 2024- SMI will be hosting a webinar in partnership with Northwestern Medicine and Casechek. Building A Patient-Centric Supply Chain – A Tom Hughes Collaboration Award Story will be an industry-wide, one-hour, live webinar. This program will feature the collaboration story of Northwestern Medicine and Casechek and how they co-develop a solution for the industry-wide challenge of processing and managing Bill-Only payments.
Northwestern Medicine and Casechek worked together to uncover and solve root problems through data analysis, user interviews, and process mapping. To ensure the new solution delivered value to both Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs) and suppliers in the broader market, Casechek and Northwestern Medicine gathered and incorporated feedback from corporate executives at more than 25 IDNs and over 10 device suppliers.
SMI awarded Northwestern Medicine and Casechek the Tom Hughes Collaboration Award in 2023 for this collaboration. This award recognizes exceptional efforts of industry thought leaders collaborating to bring innovation, discovery, and improvements to the healthcare supply chain.
Registration is free but required to access the webinar. Please register at this link: https://teamavm.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Q-v3OZiKQS68XFAL3uTq4w.