Corporate Director, Supply Chain Management
Partners HealthCare
Boston, Massachusetts
Comments from nominator Nancy Swierczyski, vice president of sales and client management, Vizient:
Lisa Scannell has provided strong leadership to a very large supply chain team in the Boston market. Lisa and her team are focused on contracting excellence, ethical compliance and supplier diversity. Year after year, she has been instrumental in leading her team to successful savings targets for her organization. Under Lisa’s leadership, the supply chain team has had a positive contribution to Partner’s mission of enhancing patient care, teaching and research.
Partners HealthCare at a glance: Partners HealthCare is an integrated health system founded by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. In addition to its two academic medical centers, the Partners system includes community and specialty hospitals, a managed care organization, community health centers, a physician network, home health and long-term care services, and other health-related entities.
- Year joined Partners: 1995
- Born/raised: Medford, Massachusetts
- Degree: Bachelor’s in management/marketing, Northeastern University, Boston
- First “real” job out of school: Corporate marketing department, Star Market
Some prior work highlights: The past year has been very exciting for Partners Supply Chain. Supply Chain is one of 13 teams engaged in Partners 2.0 – a multi-year, system-wide initiative to take advantage of opportunities to optimize efficiency across Partners HealthCare and our institutions. Collaborating with our physicians to create value and improve the healthcare supply chain has been instrumental in our goal of ensuring high quality, cost effective care.
A key mentor or event in your life:
- Looking back over my career, I have had numerous mentors who have been integral to my success in Partners HealthCare. These individuals have undoubtedly shaped my career by simply listening, providing candid feedback, and guidance. My first director in supply chain – Pat Jordan, COO at Dartmouth-Hitchcock – imparted to me the concept that cohesive teams open the door to innovation and collective success. As I have grown within Partners HealthCare, I have carried these lessons with me.
- I believe that the most momentous period of my career was my first year at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). It was within the walls of MGH that I experienced the integral role supply chain plays in the delivery of quality, cost-effective care. Walking side by side with patients and family members humbled me; this experience truly communicated the purpose of the organization and solidified I was in the right place.