Vice president of professional services at TractManager and principal, Dee Donatelli Consulting, LLC
Please tell us about a key mentor or event in your life.
Dee Donatelli: In 1989, I became the first nurse to move into the role of Purchasing manager at St. Francis Regional Medical Center in Wichita, Kansas. I was provided this opportunity due to my active participation in our academic medical center’s Product Standardization Committee. As a nurse leader I represented our medical center regionally on our GPO’s clinical nursing council and eventually participated with the supply chain director in co-chairing Product Standards and overseeing clinical evaluations. I view this course of events key to where I am today. Robert Shackelford was the supply chain director that had the vision to move a nurse into supply chain.
Then in 1995 I joined a boutique consulting firm under the leadership and mentoring of Tom Hughes. Tom is an amazing
mentor. As a futurist, Tom sees the potential not only in healthcare SC, but individuals. Tom taught me a great deal about consulting and even more about how to influence change.
What did supply chain leaders and their teams learn that was most valuable amid the COVID-19 pandemic?
Donatelli: Without a doubt increased collaboration has been the most valuable outcome of the pandemic. We have talked about clinical integration of the supply chain for years, but COVID has really emphasized what can be accomplished when we take SC to our clinicians.
Additionally, clinicians have come to realize how critical supply chain is in the care of patients as well as personal protection. Supply chain has been taken for granted for decades, but with a pandemic, it has become more apparent how essential supply chain working with clinicians really is, something I hope we will sustain moving forward.
What are key characteristics that a supply chain leader of the future will need to be successful?
Donatelli: We have learned, through leading virtual teams during the pandemic, that we have to adapt more innovative management techniques which rely upon clearly stated expectations and effective communications. Individuals have demonstrated that working in a remote environment can be highly productive, but it is incumbent that leaders think to the future in regards to talent management and bring a diversity of skills to the team. Data management is imperative to the sustainability and success of not only the supply chain, but its leaders. And finally, collaboration. Supply chain must continue to work with clinicians in partnership to deliver patient care with the highest value at the lowest cost of care.