Cleveland Clinic launches wellness and diet coaching app featuring food and fitness tracking, support and education

July 1, 2024- Cleveland Clinic and app developer FitNow, Inc. have launched the Cleveland Clinic Diet app, which offers health and diet advice built upon evidence-based nutrition science and clinical success, paired with a comprehensive food and fitness tracker. The app provides individualized guided support with the input of Cleveland Clinic health experts to help users make sustainable changes to their lifestyle and dietary habits for better health and well-being.

The app also provides a curated series of courses from experts in nutrition, endocrinology, metabolism, heart health, digestive health, weight management and mental health. In addition, the app utilizes FitNow’s easy-to-use tracking system, through which individuals log what they have eaten by scanning a nutrition label, taking a photo or voice logging.

The app lets users pick from two tracks:

  • The BodyGuard plan – Designed to help achieve a balanced intake of essential nutrients. This track emphasizes a diverse array of macronutrients and mindful monitoring of sugar intake to promote stable energy levels and increased vitality.
  • The HeartSmart plan – Informed by Cleveland Clinic’s global authority relating to heart care, this plan is designed to boost cardiovascular well-being, whether someone has diagnosed heart disease, is concerned about their family history or wants to make lifestyle changes to protect their heart.

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