CDC issues updated RSV vaccine guidance for seniors

July 1, 2024- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have updated its RSV vaccine guidance for seniors this upcoming respiratory season to make it easier for physicians and patients to make treatment and prevention decisions. The CDC is recommending that everyone ages 75 and older receive the RSV vaccine. The CDC also urges people ages 60–74 who are at increased risk of severe RSV, meaning they have certain chronic medical conditions, such as lung or heart disease, or they live in nursing homes, should receive the RSV vaccine.

This recommendation is for adults who did not get an RSV vaccine last year. The RSV vaccine is not currently an annual vaccine, meaning people do not need to get a dose every RSV season. Eligible adults can get an RSV vaccine at any time, but the best time to get vaccinated is in late summer and early fall before RSV usually starts to spread in communities.

The CDC’s updated recommendation for people 60 and older replaces the recommendation made last year to simplify RSV vaccine decision-making for clinicians and the public.

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