American Heart Association on policies companies should implement to reduce burnout

October 11, 2023- In order to recognize World Mental Health Day in October 2023, the American Heart Association shares survey findings that may help employers reduce burnout and improve workforce well-being by up to 40%.

The World Health Organization defines burnout as a workplace mental health phenomenon resulting from chronic, unmanaged workplace stress that is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, disengagement and negativity related to one’s job, and reduced professional performance.

Employees are not the only ones paying the price for burnout. Excessive workplace stress can result in up to an estimated $190 billion in health care costs each year and is linked with higher absenteeism and job dissatisfaction.Research shows that employers can help mitigate these costs and support better business outcomes by championing employee well-being.

All of the policies analyzed in the survey were found to be associated with increased workplace well-being as reported by employees, including:

  • Assess alignment between skillset and job tasks
  • Establish clear roles and responsibilities
  • Regularly assess workloads
  • Design job roles with employee input
  • Establish a training path to develop employee skills
  • Assess if employees feel supported to lead a healthy life
  • Promote overall employee well-being
  • Discourage work-related technology use after hours
  • Promote employee support (resource) groups

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