Addressing labor challenges through integrated kitting solutions

June 20, 2024- The COVID-19 pandemic brought substantial supply chain disruptions to the healthcare ecosystem and the ripple effects have continued through labor shortages. According to a workforce study conducted by NCSBN and the National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers, throughout the pandemic, approximately 100,000 nurses left the workforce. Also noted in the study, almost 900,000 nurses intend to leave the workforce by 2027, threatening the national health care system at large if solutions are not enacted.

Labor shortages are straining healthcare providers and negatively impacting nurse satisfaction and patient care. As a result of these shortages, clinicians are now having to perform non-standard job responsibilities, like managing, organizing and tracking down supplies. To reduce this burden for staff, it’s critical for healthcare providers to work with a medical supply partner offering creative solutions so clinicians can perform their most important job responsibility: taking care of patients.

Regard, a provider-owned medical supply manufacturer, has expertise in mitigating against unprecedented disruptions and providing solutions. Regard addresses challenges stemming from healthcare’s workforce crisis, which includes creating efficiencies through integrated kitting solutions. These kits bundle all the essential items for a procedure under one stock keeping unit (SKU) – limiting product variation, reducing non-clinical tasks and standardizing care for improved nurse satisfaction and patient outcomes.

Read More in the latest issue of JHC.

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